Saturday, June 14, 2008

Downtown Friday Night

Tom Bengel, Rob Belz and I rode to the downtown Minneapolis Nature Valley Grand Prix Criterium Friday night. As usual, we worked as Corner Marshals on the Start/Finish Line. Because of our fine work, every thing was fine on our section of the course... Tons of peeps were out viewing the race including Mike Lyner, John Stamm, Patrick Horrigan, Dale and Joan Forde, Lee, Nora and Jan Bengel, Steve Skarvan, Bike Swap Alex, Paul Krafthoffer, Hollywood, Timmer, Dave Meyer, Jim Redmond, John and Carol Thompson, Jay Dworsky, Bill and Jeanie Kosfeld, Scott Sjoquist, Paul Schoening and many more. Once again, our local racers had a good night. Linda Sone and Theresa Moriarity were right up there with the top women and Doug and Dan Swanson stayed with the main group almost the whole race. After the race, we ate at Chipotle and then rode home with Lee Bengel joining us. We got in 17 miles. The picture is of the lovely Rachel from the Toyota United Team. I took her picture so I could win free socks from the Pez Cycling News web page Babe Shot contest...

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