Monday, June 9, 2008

Back On The Bike

After taking Sunday off the bike, I got back on today. I rode down Summit where I came across GS whatever (you know, that new club out of GP with Dave Bucholz and Jim Redmond among others...) rider Dave Peterson cruising along. Dave and I go way back to our cross country skiing days in the early 90s. We rode through downtown Saint Paul where Dave kept going to the east side. I turned north and rode Como Avenue over and around Como Lake. From there I went south on Hamline and then over to Lexington to Summit and back home. I only got in 17 miles but I was working on the Masi track bike before the ride. All I have left on the Masi is to put bar tape on it. BTW, the Garmin 205 GPS unit isn't working... Again...

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