Saturday, March 7, 2009

Chasing Cars

Chasing cars is never a good idea. Throwing stuff at cars doesn't work too well either. I remember throwing stuff at cars when I was a kid. My buddies and I would launch various items and then take off running. My Uncle Roy use to throw rocks at cars when he was a kid. He got in trouble for that a few times. Anyway, Rob Belz, Bill Stuber and I were out riding the roads of Lake Elmo, Stillwater and Lakeland today when we came across a German Shepard lying in a ditch south of Lake Elmo. The dog had a red collar and he wasn't moving. I'm guessing he was either enjoying a rest, playing possum or more likely, was dead from chasing and getting hit by a car. Dogs that chase cars usually don't last too long... After passing the dog, we continued on and worked our way over to the Bikery which is a bakery and bike shop in Stillwater. Dave Ludwigson was inside after going on a Loon State early morning ride. We talked to Dave for a while and then continued on our way. The total for the ride was a little over 31 miles. Check out the picture of the Redline after the ride. It's pretty clean because the roads out there are dry.

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